Transformez les photos en plat allant en visuels de modèle de qualité studio en quelques clics

Transformez les photos en plat allant en visuels de modèle de qualité studio en quelques clics

Transformez les photos en plat allant en visuels de modèle de qualité studio en quelques clics

Fonctionne simplement avec une photo à plat du vêtement
Pas besoin de conceptions 3D, de mannequins ou de photos de votre produit déjà porté. Prenez simplement une photo de votre article, téléchargez-la et générez votre première image en moins de 2 minutes.
Hallucinations de détails minimaux développe son propre modèle d'IA propriétaire pour garder les vêtements générés aussi proches que possible de l'entrée.

Présentez vos produits sur les bon modèles
Générez des modèles humains réalistes de différentes tailles et ethnies et faites résonner votre marque auprès de votre public.
Commencez votre séance photo de vêtements IA maintenant gratuitement.
Commencez votre séance photo de vêtements IA maintenant gratuitement.
Commencez votre séance photo de vêtements IA maintenant gratuitement.
Use Drape
Use Drape
Use Drape
Habillez des modèles générés par IA avec vos vêtements en utilisant une seule photo en plan plat. Gagnez du temps et des ressources par rapport aux séances photo traditionnelles et utilisez toute la puissance de l'IA pour faire briller votre magasin!
Habillez des modèles générés par IA avec vos vêtements en utilisant une seule photo en plan plat. Gagnez du temps et des ressources par rapport aux séances photo traditionnelles et utilisez toute la puissance de l'IA pour faire briller votre magasin!
Build with Drape
Build with Drape
Build with Drape
Create scalable AI fashion experiences using Drape. Get an API Key and generate your first image in seconds
Create scalable AI fashion experiences using Drape. Get an API Key and generate your first image in seconds
What customers have to say about
What customers have to say about
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Eva Williams, Manager at
I enjoyed using Uwear AI because it’s fast, simple, and pays close attention to detail. The tool helped me show my recent clothing designs on different body types, saving time.
Nick L.
Thank you very much for the quick reply!! The platform is awesome you guys did a fabulous job!!!
I've just tried the drape demo on hugginggace after trying many many others and been blown away by the result, it works a lot LOT better than most
I've trialed several AI tools for flat lays and nothing comes close to the images generated by your tool. I am tryly blown away!
Oleksandr T.
First, thanks for a good solution. Unline others, it works.[...]
First of all, just wanted to let you know I think this product is amazing. This addresses such a major, major pain point for me, you have no idea.
Andreas Z.
the AI is very good and helpful. i would prefer if it was faster and more than 80 characters to be allowed when i describe the clothes
Pour les individus qui débutent avec
Crédits gratuits pour essayer sur vos propres vêtements
Payer à l'utilisation en achetant les crédits de génération dont vous avez besoin
Plans Mensuels
Pour les marques en croissance ayant des besoins récurrents
Générations mensuelles
Accès anticipé à de nouvelles fonctionnalités
Support prioritaire
Grande entreprises
Pour les grandes organisations ayant des besoins d'IA personnalisés et un traitement en volume élevé
Générations mensuelles ou annuelles sur mesure
Traiter des centaines de vêtements à la fois
Serveurs dédiés
For developers building scalable fashion experiences
Pay-as-you go pricing
$0.15 per credit
Generate an image 10 seconds after uploading a clothing
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Comment puis-je générer des images de vêtements pour mes marques de vêtements ?
Comment puis-je générer des images de vêtements pour mes marques de vêtements ?
Comment puis-je générer des images de vêtements pour mes marques de vêtements ?
Quel type de photos devrais-je télécharger pour générer mes images de vêtements ?
Quel type de photos devrais-je télécharger pour générer mes images de vêtements ?
Quel type de photos devrais-je télécharger pour générer mes images de vêtements ? va-t-il conserver les motifs et les impressions de mes articles ? va-t-il conserver les motifs et les impressions de mes articles ? va-t-il conserver les motifs et les impressions de mes articles ?
Puis-je utiliser pour essayer des vêtements sur moi-même ?
Puis-je utiliser pour essayer des vêtements sur moi-même ?
Puis-je utiliser pour essayer des vêtements sur moi-même ?
Les photos générées par l'IA auront-elles des défauts ?
Les photos générées par l'IA auront-elles des défauts ?
Les photos générées par l'IA auront-elles des défauts ?
Combien cela coûte-t-il ?
Combien cela coûte-t-il ?
Combien cela coûte-t-il ?
Puis-je obtenir un remboursement si je ne suis pas satisfait du résultat ?
Puis-je obtenir un remboursement si je ne suis pas satisfait du résultat ?
Puis-je obtenir un remboursement si je ne suis pas satisfait du résultat ?
Does Uwear provide an API?
Does Uwear provide an API?
Does Uwear provide an API?